An unconnected preaching map
Yesterday, along with 50 or so others, I had the privilege of spending a day in the company of Professor Tom Long. His easy delivery and soothing voice belied the fact that he was actually outlining some uncomfortable and challenging truths about the preaching landscape. On the mind-map below are a selection of direct quotes from the day, centred around the statement that ‘preaching matters’. As you will see, I have neither connected them to each other nor set them in any kind of order of precedence. I leave that to you…
Interesting (to me anyway!) that he didnt say that the sermon is part of the worship experience, if not the pinnacle of the worship experience…
Definitely said it WAS part of it…but only part of a much richer whole. He would struggle with the word ‘pinnacle’, I think – even as a Professor of homiletics. He was keen to encourage other ‘forms of Christian speech’ during the service – such as testimony
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