Fifty years…

… and 26 words

I turned fifty yesterday. Throughout my adult life I have been fascinated by language and communication. In particular, I love to watch as the surface of language shifts and undulates – a sea of words whipped into different shapes by the winds of time and culture. This morning I have been reflecting on how numerous words have changed in this relatively short time:

Afghan – a thigh-length sheepskin coat.

Bite (byte) – something you took from an apple.

Core – see above, and no Pentium or processing involved.

Drone – referred to a person who went on and on.

Ethnic – had nothing to do with cleansing.

Fish – was spelt with an ‘f’ not a’ph’.

Gig – was something you went to not a unit of storage.

Hybrid – was something found in a garden centre rather than a car showroom.

Isis – was an Egyptian goddess

Jihad – was a word as foreign as the concept.

Ka – was the name of a snake, and not a vehicle.

Lol – was something you did on a lazy day.

Mouse – was a cat’s arch enemy and unlikely to be found near a computer.

Nine eleven was an innocent combination of numbers.

Orange – had pips and not masts.

Profile – referred to a face seen sideways on

Quidditch – was as unheard of as Baptist ministers reading stories about wizards.

Reality TV – would be a TV you really had

Spinning- was something done by a gymnast or a dancer, rather than a publicist

Troll– lived under the bridge, not in a computer.

Upcycle – would have sounded like the description of riding a bike uphill.

Virus – was something which you might refer to a medical doctor.

Windows – came in a variety of shapes and sizes on Play School.

X-factor – was a mystery ingredient and had nothing to do with Mr Cowell.

Yew tree – was a pure source of gorgeous orangey-brown wood.

Z – was the letter you always used to finish lists like this one.


What would be on your list?