Treasures of darkness

A promise comes of age

Over recent years, the promise in Isaiah 45:3 that ‘I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD’ has become very important to my wife and I.  Some translations use the phrase ‘treasures of darkness’ and we have taken it to mean that we have discovered aspects of God and his provision in the harder times which we might not otherwise have known.

This week we find ourselves returning to that promise again as it has been confirmed that Fiona will need surgery for cancer in her left lung.  She has been referred back to the surgeon at the Royal Brompton Hospital who operated on her right lung previously,  with the expectation that surgery will take place in the late summer.  After the operation, the need for further treatment will be reviewed.

One of  the ‘treasures’ we have prized especially has been the love and prayers of many, both near and far. If you feel able to add yours to them, we would be most grateful.

Richard and Fiona


Fragments of glass, Burano

One thought on “Treasures of darkness

  1. Richard and Fiona, our prayers are with you that the Lord will strengthen you both; that he will heal and bring joy where there is apprehension or fear. He is a God of comfort, may you experience it over these weeks. blessings, Mike and Becky