A story unfolds

From mindscape to soundscape

You will find many paintings on this blog, of many eras. You won’t find many by Rene Magritte though. The fact is, I find many of them disturbing, and downright strange. However, I have always loved the one below, and the narrative it tells of the progress from idea to reality. It is called ‘clairvoyance’ and depicts the artist’s clear view of what he sees.

Image: wikiart

For the past six weeks, I have been living with a little story in my head. Late on the night of September 24th, I jotted down some preliminary notes:

Five days later, the story had its first experimental reading, with adults and children:

     Since then, it has undergone numerous transformations, including the addition of a lovely cover by Rachel Morris:

Final cover pic

Yesterday, tucked away in the crèche of the church where I work, it went through another transformation, as a high quality audio recording was made:

It is now in the hands of those who will finalise the audio and add original music to bring it spectacularly to life:

   The next transformation is anticipated when the finished item is made available to the public for digital download – hopefully in time for Christmas.

However, the biggest and most important transformation of all is yet to come. This is the moment when the story in its final form is heard by adults and children alike. At that moment, like Magritte’s egg in the painting above, there is no telling what pictures will be seen in the minds of those who hear. I hope they will be good ones – and that the Note will sound in their imaginations for a long time to come.


One thought on “A story unfolds

  1. Fantastic Richard! As an amateur musician I know that magical moment when all is silent and you await the conductors down-beat in a large concert hall. Can’t wait to hear your composition….