Pastures new…

Time to move on

This morning I read the following statement out in the church where I have served as Minister since 1997. If you are a praying person, then your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Dear Friends

On Thursday this week, I accepted a call to serve as the new Senior Minister at Newbury Baptist Church in Berkshire. I shall be sharing more about this over the coming weeks.

This has been at once the hardest and the easiest decision for us to make.  It has been the hardest because during our time here we have grown to love you all. Together we have shared joys and sorrows, triumphs and challenges.  It has been the easiest because I have spent that time encouraging us all to seek God’s guidance vigorously and pursue it. Fiona and I believe that God has guided very clearly over this, and so the time has come to follow.

We shall expect to move some time in the Summer, although all those details are yet to be resolved. We shall always be grateful for our time in Teddington, and commend this beloved church to his care.


CLICK to access Newbury Baptist Church website

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