Serendipitous theology

Twitter stream as hermeneutic

One of the reasons I love Twitter is that it turns computer or phone into a window on the world. It is, of course, a window which you can point in any direction of your choice. Any Twitter feed could be trimmed to reflect a particular interest, philosophy, or worldview. However, the wider the window the broader the view.

Every once in a while, though, it is not only the content but the accidental juxtaposition of it, which acts as an eye-opener. Consider the pairing below, for example. These two tweets occurred next to each other on my timeline just a few minutes ago:

   Arguably both are reflections on the imago dei. Both tell us something about the way that the image of God is nurtured, observed or neglected within us. I am grateful to be exposed (pun fully intended) to views so different to my own. In the end they serve to focus the mind on those things which we truly hold dear.