Better than an autograph

A precious manuscript

When I launched Littlest Star ‘officially’ on November 4th, I put together a little ‘roadshow kit’. It included a jar of stars, a star-shaped dish, an apple, a knife with which to cut it and a number of printed documents.

Into the kit went the first A4 typed version of the story, the first A6 homespun version (complete with clip-art), the 2011 version brought together by a wave of creative generosity…and of course the finished book. There was, however, one document missing. I rarely write directly onto computer – so somewhere there must have been a scrappy bit of paper where I scribbled the story down. It is gone now.

Imagine my delight, then, when I encountered the document below. Look carefully and you will see that a child who has enjoyed the story has begun to write it out. This precious document means more, I think, than any review. That the story is being enjoyed, and that it is encouraging someone so young to put pen to paper, is enough.

My roadshow kit is complete.
