Google sermon builder

…of tweets and texts

Just like many others, I find myself this morning juggling several jobs at once.  On the one hand, I have a sermon to write about how we relate to each other, based on Ecclesiastes 4. On the other hand, I am considering a request to address an international gathering of aid workers on shaping the future whilst maintaining their Christian distinctiveness.  Meanwhile, in the background my twitter feed occasionally trills with updates from the Google #bigtentuk meeting today. Under discussion there are issues of privacy, ownership and innovation.

So, with Solomon’s ancient words about the nature of human relationships before me, and my mind turning to issues of shaping the future, I find myself confronted with this, from the former CEO of Google at this morning’s gathering:

innovation occurs when people question the dominant zeitgeist

Yes, yes, yes – and thank you Eric Schmidt! It is moments like this which remind me why I prefer to prepare my sermons against a background of digital noise, rather than in an air of monastic silence.

There is a question, though, which I would like to pass on from King Solomon to the gathering in that BigTent in Watford. Isn’t there a point at which the innovators who have shaped the zeitgeist end up defending it, since their investment in it is so high? (Ecclesiastes 4 v.4)

I suspect that even Google’s admirably sunny mission statement “don’t be evil” gets put to the test when competitive sharks are in the water…

4 thoughts on “Google sermon builder

  1. Interesting stuff, Richard – but whilst i am enagaging with you, i am not sorting out the differentiated course reading material for this coming term’s preaching course. I easily find myself overwhelmed with mullti-tasking and at the moment, Twitter and the like, as engaging as it certainly is, is another thing to juggle. i was talking about my digidisciple experiement to a clergy colleague who doesn’t even have a mobile phone (vert retor – and a bit annoying) and he was wondering if digital potential creates pressure as much as it removes it. I’m not sure. As I am writing to you, i received a text from a friend who has just had a very poor diagnosis of cancer and is in shock – so I can engage pastorally very swiftly…. but I still feel like i have too many incomings! The journey goes on!